Sunday 23 December 2012

Can an emerging middle class offer a new order and youths role in Turkish politics"

The Centre for Turkey Studies and IFDP invites you to a public meeting hosted by Chris Williamson MP on Monday 14th of January in the Committee Room 5,  House of Commons, between 7;00pm and 9;00pm
This is a free event organised by the Centre for Turkey Studies and IFDP. The keynote speaker at the reception would be Tuna Bekleviç, Founder and President of  International Forum for Democracy and Peace (IFDP). 

Mr Tuna Beklevic will talk on "Can an emerging middle class offer a new order and youths role in Turkish politics"

We very much hope to see you there. 

If you are interested in Turkey and would like to know more about the work the Centre for Turkey Studies and International Forum Forum for Democracy and Peace does, than this is great opportunity for you. 

Due to delays at the entrance of the main building of Parliament, please try to arrive no later than 6:30pm.  Doors open 6:45pm. RSVP or 07525185288.

We look forward to hearing from you soon. 
Best wishes
Ibrahim Dogus
Biography of Tuna Bekleviç
International Forum for Democracy and Peace (IFDP)
Founder and President

Tuna Bekleviç was born in Edirne in 1977. He graduated from İstanbul Bilgi University School of Economics. In 2000, he founded Platform for Economists. In a very short time, memberships reached the number of twenty one thousand including four State Ministers. EP realized hundreds of meetings related to economy policies at home and abroad. Travelling from one village to another, he put his effort into gathering the young leaders together in 2004. He performed as first term director of the Bilgi University Alumni Association, which he founded in 2005. Upon his demand on “more freedom, more democracy” Bekleviç founded “Strong Turkey Party” (GTP) in late 2006. Regarding the decision to hold an early election, party failed to enter elections despite having organized in 33 cities. Bekleviç and his fellows joined the ruling AK Party. Having characteristic organizational skills, Bekleviç has delivered various speeches on economics, technology, motivation and leadership. Alongside his published articles in national journals, Bekleviç is also the author of “Kağızman Modeli’’ published by İstanbul Bilgi University in 2004 and ‘Hedef 2023’ published in 2006. He has been writing reviews in a national daily newspaper ‘Türkiye Gazetesi’ since 2009. Tuna Bekleviç served officially as the consultant of Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator, and he is the member of Platform for Global Challenges Advisory Board and Culture City Foundation Board of Trustees

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